Komodo as a screen recorder - getting better and better
I got myself Komodo Tier 4 in January 2023 and now at the end of 2024, I'm switching to it as my primary screen recording software for my software reviews. I understand that it is more of a Loom alternative to record and share your screen/demos, but my feedback is primarily about the screen recording part, I'm not covering the sharing capabilities which are also great.
- all base needs are covered for screen recording: capturing the camera, the entire screen, and particular windows
- improving over time, adding new features like capturing only particular screen area
- keyboard shortcuts to enable/disable cursor highlighting, pause/stop video, click capturing
- you can start/pause recording (which saves time later during video editing)
- cursor highlighting, click highlighting, key stokes recording
- it captures both your mic and system audio easily
- quickly uploads recorded video and you can apply quick edits online like cutting pauses
- after the video is uploaded - it gives you a video summary, chapters, and transcript that you can use for example to build the video description for a YouTube video
Points to improve:
- I would like to be able to hide/show the recording controls when you have one monitor, if you have connected the 2nd monitor then you can move the controls there so those will not be recorded in the video.
Plan to test later:
- there is an included step-by-step guide builder when that captures clicks and screenshots and it can make interactive guides, and you can host those guides on your website in a 'white labeled' manner by connecting via CNAME