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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Dec 2022Deals bought: 650Posted: Apr 26, 2023

The integrations just keep getting better!

I am flipping loving this! All the appsumo stuff I find myself wanting to actually use is supported (many of them recently added) and it feels like KonnectzIt is really picking up steam here.

I am a sub-novice but I am having success and the generous pricing offered here allows me to throw together just about anything I can imagine for as long as I want.

I love that I can get sub accounts going to teach my friends without giving them access to any of my stuff. Might have to stack up on this and commit to the ecosystem.

I hope to see more and deeper support for the apps offered. I hope to see lots of documentation and help videos to teach people how to set up Konnectz so more and more users (and myself) can achieve more capabilities with this service.

I can't justify paying for zapier, and I have pabbly but find myself liking Konnectzit more when I can use it. Plus you get about 3x as many actions here for about $50 less than pabbly's LTD.

I like that I have options but as I get more used to Konnectzit (I hate that zit is in the name btw but it doesn't matter really) I think I will end up stacking a bit more onto what I've got.
