
    Lead Scrape

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Lead Scrape helps you find B2B leads in any category across many countries in the world

    Extended Access to this deal is exclusively available to AppSumo Plus members for a limited time.

    If you are not an AppSumo Plus member, you can join now and purchase this deal before Extended Access ends.

    Looking to find new leads for your business?

    Lead Scrape helps you find B2B leads in any category. For each lead you can get the business name, address, phone, website, email, contact name, social media properties, Seo data, lat/long and more!

    Search for leads based on their job title or get a list of people working in a company.

    In today's digital marketing era, every company needs a constant flow of new leads to be able to find new customers. Lead Scrape makes the process easier and more efficient.

    Their software will deliver data in CSV format and can be imported into any lead tracking software and marketing automation tool you are currently using for your pipeline management.

    How great would it be if you could capture thousands of business leads within a few simple clicks?

    With Lead Scrape you can!


    too long didn't read
    Find new leads in every category
    Find new customers for your product/company



    Lead Scrape
    The main screen where you select what data you need from each extracted lead.

    Leads in any niche

    Discover B2B companies in any industry and their contact info from our massive database.

    Find prospects

    Find the right decision-makers working in a company and their contact details.

    Cost effective

    Capture thousands of business leads without advertising, ordering free stuff, purchasing outdated lists, etc.

    Lead Scrape
    The options screen -- select your language and options about emails.

    Find thousands of leads and local businesses with Lead Scrape.

    Add new prospects to your sales funnel with just a few simple clicks:

    1. Select your target
    2. Select the location
    3. Find new leads

    Find qualified leads and boost your lead generation strategy.

    • Get the email addresses behind any company
    • Find quality targeted leads in any industry
    • Discover the right decision makers

    Now you can finally say goodbye to all those time-consuming lead generation methods you've ever tried before.

    Lead Scrape
    Search for leads based on their job title.

    Get all your potential clients' information at your fingerprints.

    How great would it be if you could capture thousands of business leads with just a few simple clicks?

    The more leads you have in your list, the more money you can make.

    Generating sales leads is always the number one goal of most marketing and advertising campaigns.

    However, lead generation can be hard and expensive.

    With Lead Scrape, lead generation will be as easy as clicking your computer mouse -- literally.

    Get access to Lead Scrape now!

    From the founders

    A message from Lead Scrape

    Hello, Sumo-lings! 👋❤️

    We're thrilled to make our return to AppSumo with something truly special for you!

    Introducing Lead Scrape, the ultimate solution designed to effortlessly elevate your business's lead generation game. With just a simple input of an industry and location, Lead Scrape unveils a treasure trove of high-quality leads-complete with company details like addresses, phone numbers, websites, social media profiles, contact emails, and more. Looking for a more tailored approach? Use the people module to discover individuals by job title or pinpoint professionals within specific companies, along with their contact information.

    But here's where Lead Scrape truly stands out from the crowd: simplicity meets boundless potential. Experience the freedom of unlimited searches without the constraints of daily or monthly caps. Yes, you read that right, seek out as many leads as you want, every single day of the month.

    Prepare to revolutionize your lead acquisition strategy with Lead Scrape, where endless possibilities are just a click away.
    Read more

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