
A simpler, faster, and more effective method of content marketing

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LeadBlasta web app creates high-converting lead magnets as Chrome extensions for automated list building with built-in follow-up marketing tools.

Now you can tap into content marketing in a way that’s both easy to manage and builds your audience on autopilot.

What if you could build simple checklists; embed videos, images, and banner ads; put it into the Chrome store as an extension; and watch your email list, SMS list, and push notifications list grow on its own?

People rarely read 5,000-word articles, but that’s what we are told we need to rank, right?

The truth is that people scan those epic blog posts and they are looking for the takeaways -- the stuff that’s actionable and that they can implement today.

LeadBlasta built a solution by creating interactive checklists that provide the easy Google rankings, built-in traffic from the Chrome store, and a range of marketing tools to follow up with your audience easily.

All of this comes standard so that you can build a relationship with your target demographic by connecting with them via email, SMS, and push notifications.

Get lifetime access to LeadBlasta today!


too long didn't read
Build Chrome extension lead magnets with no tech skills needed
Create interactive checklists that can be updated from within the LeadBlasta web app at anytime
Build your email list, SMS, and push notification audiences with full-blown SMS and push marketing sending built in
Best for: Content, affiliate, and local marketers who want faster results or to use as a content upgrade


Checklist builder: Create categories and add items (with bullet points too if required to expand on a checklist item)
Email opt-in and SMS opt-in settings
SMS marketing system built in



Updates from LeadBlasta

October 05, 2020

Posted Feb 9, 2023

October 05, 2020

Posted Feb 9, 2023


Questions & Reviews

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Showing 5 of 34 questions

Q: Hi, having trouble with Mailchimp API not working.

Getting the following error:

Any ideas?
Also, no one has posted updates since Jan 2021. Is this software still working? Spent alot of time building categories and don't want that to go to waste.

offers888PLUSAug 24, 2021
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Q: What happened to the original SEO Checklist?

From this link? Did it get taken down?


offers888PLUSAug 7, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Unfortunately Google Chrome store team had requested more info from me and the email used for that account was not being monitored.
So they took it down.
They were concerned that it was using the keywords like 'YouTube SEO checklist' too many times in the description.
They limit using words to 5 times max.
Since then I rebuilt the YouTube SEO checklist and it's better, with new methods and its back ranking again.


Q: Will the chrome extensions work with Brave browser?

Will they also be in the Brave extension store?

d0664b7058794c3a9887a7d376ed5e06PLUSAug 10, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: If you can install chrome extensions on brave browser, then yes. I know this can be done with Opera browser, but brave browser is not one I am familiar with.
This is a Chrome web store extension builder and while the software creates chrome extensions for the Chrome web store, i am not aware of other browsers outside of chrome and opera that allow you to install chrome store extensions.


Q: What exactly is limit of 10 chrome extension?

ShopaholicPLUSAug 9, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Andy,

It's 10 Checklists that you can create. Those are downloaded as a zip file which you upload into the chrome store.
Apart from being 10 in number, we don't limit any of the features.


Q: Checklists seem like a really interesting and different way to market things.

I know something about the usefulness of checklists (I'm a technical writer by trade). Leveraging them for marketing in this way is genius! So, as I'll also launch my first ecommerce business soon, I'm giving serious thought to a purchase of this lifetime deal.

However, I have some questions, especially about the separate upgrade to the Android app:
(1) With respect to the separate upgrade to the Android app builder: This sounds great, and could be the clincher for me. However, I'd like to know: If I have both a Chrome extension and an Android app from the same source checklist, do the checked items synchronise across both platforms for the user? I'd like users to be able to switch between devices according to their context, without losing track of where they are at in their list.
(2) Do you have a public roadmap and feature request board of some kind?
(3) To what degree can we customise the appearance of each extension/app? Can we change colours, typography or any other elements of visual style through options or custom CSS? Can we add a logo? And can we make these things different for some checklists, to suit different brands within our business?

Thanks! Eric

TechMechFeb 20, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Eric,

Apologies, for some reason the comment didn't come up from my other account.

The android version is created from the same checklist as used when creating a Chrome extension.
You would need to create checklist within the app first and download it as an Android app.
We don't have a public road map but you can suggest features via support.
For the design questions - we have around 40 different colour schemes.
We do not have custom css.
We currently do not have logo option but as a suggestion, you can add that as favicon perhaps. I'll look into the logo option though :)


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