Q: removing connections

Can i remove connections based on variables? or upload a list of csv links to remove connection?

spectiakPLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hello there! Not currently, but I'm intrigued. What's the use case for removing connections?

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Edited: Sep 17, 2024

Thanks for answering. Something like. connection is didn't post anything for the past 12 months, or was invited to an event and didn't accept after certain period of time.
also if a user didn't reply to multiple messages.

trying to filter out inactive accounts

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Interesting. Are you already pre-filtering connections by these data points (i..e invited, but did not accept, etc). Or are you looking for that piece too?

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Well.. honestly I didn't use it with leadfwo, as I still didn't test the tool, however linkedin provide a list of pending event invites that is not accepted by the users. and the names and URLs are there. I was able to do this manually to scrape the links and add it to a tool to remove connection. however I like to do it from my own machine with a local app.

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

I'm going to take a look at this (Events, invites) in their UI and I'll share with my team as well. It seems quite similar to the Withdraw invite function that we were considering. Might not be a heavy lift to apply the function here as well.

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Sorry to jump on this, but a related question, can I withdraw connection requests after a certain time automatically?

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

We have looked at a function to withdraw connection requests. Doing it based on time becomes a little tricky because of the time-based labels that LinkedIn uses (i.e. sent 1 month ago, 1 week ago, etc) and we would need to do some localization for language variation as well.

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