Q: Safety

Hello, how many customer do you have (roughly) automating LinkedIn outreach, and roughly how many customer complaints do you get (monthly) about banned or locked LinkedIn accounts? I've tried dozens of these tools, so have amazing security and LinkedIn never flags the account, some get flagged all the time and present a huge risk. So wondering how common complaints are in your case before committing. Thanks!

a72dee339f574ec7b4ce06b4a6b8afffPLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hello there! Across all of our extension versions we've had about 250 users on this particular set of functionality. To date all we've received from user feedback or our own internal as part of our QA is an occasional warning and policy reminder. But, the actual account usage combined with the account history will play more of a role than the platform (assuming the basic safety settings are in place). LinkedIn is ever evolving in their identification and tactics, but having a solution that's using your existing browser, session and IP locally is a big benefit - on top of generally being polite and acting like a human. Our solution was not designed to be a high volume play, so use cases will definitely matter. Also, if you've received a recent ban, I'd recommend waiting at least 6 months before you try anything. Regardless of the solution.

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Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Thanks, what do you mean by not being a high volume play? LinkedIn caps the number of invites to only 800/mo anyway (so 800 people that will receive an invite, and potentially go into a campaign, and maybe only 35% will connect based on that) Do you recommend to do even less with your tool?

Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Oh yes, invite connections are really closer to 100 per week now. Depending on the account, but that's just one action type. It depends on your playbook but our platform is best used for folks that want to include a quality cold email component to their outreach. The email channel can help you overcome the limitations of LinkedIn's direct message outreach.

Posted: Sep 17, 2024

Ran out of characters :) You can hit 100 invites per week without an issue using our tool. The velocity you could work with would depend on your account (Are you using Premium?). Then you could augment in other actions if they made sense, like InMail or simply Following Profiles, Liking a recent post, etc. But again this is in the context of going multichannel.

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Thanks for your reply, yes I get what you're saying, but lets say I want to run purely LinkedIn play, are you saying this is not suitable? If not why? because there are other tools (like Waalaxy) that don't question the safety or use cases UNLESS you stay within OK ranges (OK by LInkedIn). Let's say I want to enrich data and all the failed-to-find email prospects (so Li only) are sent to one team

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

You certainly can but whether we provide the same experience you're getting with Waalaxy, might be the issue. Can you share the steps in your Li outreach workflow? I can then convert that into how it could be implemented in Leadfwd. We are actually in the process of beefing up LinkedIn outreach in Sequences, separate from our Prospecting.

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

Can you expand on the sending prospects (without an email address) to an alternate team? What does that look like in practice? If those types of prospects could be pushed to a webhook, that then connects to the platform your team interfaces with, then it can be done easily.

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

member who is running purely LinkedIn outreach playbook, would that be a problem??

Posted: Sep 18, 2024

You definitely can. What's the playbook look like?

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