Q: This says we are mapped to the starter plan, but there is no starter plan on your website.
Could you please consider mapping us to Leader plan for 2 codes and leader pro for 3 codes so that we are on real plans?
May 14, 2024A: Yes, 2 codes are mapped to "leader" and 3 codes to "leader pro". Will get it updated by the AppSumo team soon.
Verified purchaser
No updates on this? There is no starter plan on your site and 2 codes still not showing mapped to leader and 3 still not showing mapped to leader pro.
The plans are mapped to leader and leader pro now. If yours is not mapped, feel free to send an email at hello@leadlabs.app and we will change it in few hours.
Also, if you want to have a full demo in just 20 minutes "book a free strategy session" from inside your account and will be happy to take you through it.
We are in the middle of revamping our website so a lot of use cases page, examples page is still under construction.
Sorry for the inconvenience.