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    Enable sales with landing & sales pages

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    Leadpages is a landing and sales page builder tool that helps small businesses easily create pages to connect with an audience, collect leads, and close sales.

    If you’ve got a product or service you need to sell without necessarily creating a website, Leadpages is the right tool for you. You can use it to set up a signup page for a webinar, a landing page to collect leads, a sales page for a product or course you are promoting, etc.

    It can also help businesses create unique sales and landing pages alongside their website. Create pop-ups, alert bars, checkout forms, and more to market your products and gain more customers. These tools allow businesses to make every piece of content count and turn web traffic into more leads and sales.

    Leadpages features a drag-and-drop page builder that lets you create all sorts of pages for your business. You can host any content type, including images, videos, audio, and digital downloadables. It is as easy as dragging, dropping, clicking, and typing to customize your website, landing page, and opt-in forms—o coding or high-tech skills required.

    Also, you’ll never have to build a page from the ground up unless you want to. Leadpages offers several conversion-optimized drag-and-drop templates to help you easily come up with beautiful pages. This allows even people who aren’t familiar with web design to create stellar pages without wasting hours.

    Leadpages also allows you to sell your products and services to increase your income with built-in checkouts and secure online payments powered by Stripe. You can also include opt-in offers, instant digital file delivery, and conversion-optimized content to collect quality leads and grow.

    Gain insights and real-time conversion tips you need to make informed decisions and grow fast. The Split Test feature allows you to create unlimited A/B testing campaigns to try strategies, collect data, and improve before going all-in on your campaigns.

    When you’re done creating and ready to go live, Leadpages allows you to publish your newly built page to any domain you own. This will to ensure consistency with your branded domain name and to keep it right next to your website. If you prefer, you can let Leadpages host your pages for you. It’s free.

    Key features

    • Easily create a web page to sell your product
    • Simply drag, drop, click, and type to customize
    • Receive payment with Stripe Integration
    • Get conversion-optimized templates
    • Run A/B test campaigns to collect data and improve


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    Create pages and forms with Leadpages
    Create pages and forms with Leadpages
    Let your customers see your pages on any device with Leadpages
    Let your customers see your pages on any device with Leadpages
    Find templates for all industries in Leadpages
    Find templates for all industries in Leadpages
    Create A/B tests with Leadpages
    Create A/B tests with Leadpages
    Create pages with Leadpages drag-and-drop builder
    Create pages with Leadpages drag-and-drop builder


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