"I always read that this tool is used when someone dies. But can I also use it to organize all my online assets so I can find them again myself? For example, crypto
You definitely are trying to solve a problem worth solving. I’m going to outline some concerns I have:
1) Privacy & Security
How can we trust you with such valuable information? What kind of access do you have? Surely, you must be able to access it in the event of a court order, for example, which means there is a back door.
What if some hackers were to target the company?
2) Reliability
I want this company to succeed. In the event that after a few years, circumstances force you to close, what happens then? Hopefully, most people here are signing up for the longer term. Is it possible to do some form of export of the vault?
A: Hello! You definitely are trying to solve a problem worth solving, Let me address each of your concerns to put your mind at ease:
1) Privacy & Security I completely understand your concern, and this is something we’ve prioritized from day one. At Leggado.Digital, privacy is fundamental, we have no access to the stored data. All information is encrypted, meaning that even we cannot view it,...
Q: No, where did it go without any wanring?
Saved it to buy before black friday ends. ;(
Dec 3, 2024A: Sorry Tobias! our contract with Appsumo ended a few days ago (during the BF campaign)
If you need help you can write to us.
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Q: Languages
Will there be a german version too?
Dec 3, 2024A: Sorry for the delay in replying, we hadn't seen this message!
The language we are working with is English and Spanish, we cannot confirm that we do the translation natively.
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Q: Using for Organisation?
"I always read that this tool is used when someone dies. But can I also use it to organize all my online assets so I can find them again myself? For example, crypto
Oct 19, 2024A: Yes, that is mainly its use.
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Q: Legago Digital vs Leggago Digital
Just curious, is your company in any way affiliated with Legado Digital? Josif Grace is the CEO of Legado Digital, are you from the same company?
Oct 19, 2024A: No, they have nothing to do with each other, they are different companies.
I just saw it and the solution we offer is very different.
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Q: On the Fence
You definitely are trying to solve a problem worth solving. I’m going to outline some concerns I have:
1) Privacy & Security
How can we trust you with such valuable information? What kind of access do you have? Surely, you must be able to access it in the event of a court order, for example, which means there is a back door.
What if some hackers were to target the company?
2) Reliability
I want this company to succeed. In the event that after a few years, circumstances force you to close, what happens then? Hopefully, most people here are signing up for the longer term.
Is it possible to do some form of export of the vault?
Wishing you the best!
Oct 12, 2024A: Hello! You definitely are trying to solve a problem worth solving, Let me address each of your concerns to put your mind at ease:
1) Privacy & Security
I completely understand your concern, and this is something we’ve prioritized from day one. At Leggado.Digital, privacy is fundamental, we have no access to the stored data.
All information is encrypted, meaning that even we cannot view it,...
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