Q: Hello there, I just bough a licence and made my first 6 minute call in French.

However, I got the following message and zero insight to analyze.
Could you tell me what happened?

No post-call overview available
It appears that no post-call overviews are available for this meeting at the moment. Post-call overviews provide valuable information about your sales calls, including feedback on the meeting, action points, and more.

Richard_RufenachPLUSMay 20, 2024
Founder Team


May 21, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thanks for buying a license. I took a look at your account, and it appears you set your "account language" to French which displays the UI text in French; however, your transcript language remains the default English.

To update your transcript language, kindly go into the "Company Setup" tab -> "Call Bot Settings" and then change it from the default English to French or any other language you'd like to work with.

Please note that this feature is only available for Tier 3 users. If you have more questions, kindly contact on support@lerno.ai or via live chat on the website.

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Posted: May 21, 2024

Hi there. Noted thanks. I would like to upgrade my current licence for Tier 3, is it still possible?