The Ultimate Are You Sure
This product to me is the Ultimate Are You Sure or Second chance client saver and would be massively useful for both SAAS apps or membership sites.
As someone who is currently running a large financial information site moving from a free to read to a subscription model having this from the off is amazing for a number of reasons, firstly its highly likely we are going to get stuff wrong from day 1 I know I am far from perfect and there will be glitches or things we have not considered, this gives us a chance to rectify from the off. Secondly I know I have had trials I have signed up to which I have not had time to use purely due to work load, the best intention in the world wont then get the time back - you are literally giving another bit of the cherry to save the customer.
High 5 to nano for this testing below, so a company that believes in its own product is high on my list and if we have no branding either that is awesome !. $49 - ouch :) Looking forward to the webinar so this is one thing I definitely get right for our move to subscription based clients.