I was skeptical but very much pleased now....
Hi, It is a while I purchased this product and I have used the features.
Initially when I came to APPSUMO, I was afraid to have any linkedIn automation tools, as Jail is deadly thing to have.
But I saw the review of the fellow beings and I came to a conclusion that let me play safe and try safe. So with that conservative approach, I grabed the deal and here is my unbiased opinion of the tool
1. The tool does real stuff, of visiting people and sending requests.
2. Your safety is taken care by settings where limits of activities can be programmed by you
3. I see Yusuf as a dedicated person and he is not promising moon and delivering pizza. The tool works as per sales page.
4. I pestered Yusuf :-) on chat to get enaged, not for problem solving... Infact I did not face any problem, but one. When I changed my 2FA, there were some reconnects required and is expected.
5, Checkout the features. You need to have some marketing knowledge not to spam others with your comments. Tool will not protect you there.
6. If you have genuine intent of growing your business on linkedIn, Just purchase this tool, even though you use others. You will see Yusuf constantly adding more valuable feature.
7. It would be nice, if brithday wishes and Connect requests also are automated :-).
Value for money friends, use it and grow your business with peace of mind,
May 9, 2024Thanks for the nice review.
We've got birthday wishes and auto-accept connection requests in the pipeline. It'll definitely be available soon.