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Q: I am very impressed with the quality of the voices, but do have a question about if/how to adjust the pronunciation of certain words.

For example, in the following sentence, I would like the word "contractor" to be pronounced the same both times [CON-tractor].

"Are you looking for a roofing contractor? We recommend that you shop around for contractors and services before making a final decision."

However, in the output, the second instance is pronounced [conTRACT-or].

I see that there is a tab for editing "Pronunciations", but I haven't found any supporting documentation about how to use it. I submitted a ticket a couple of days ago with this question but haven't received a response yet, but I'm hopeful... :o)

Not sure if I can post a link here or not, but will try. This is the sample recording:

9f115a79d136413ba558503617fa1e38Oct 3, 2022
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, we noticed this issue too - upon further investigation we’ve seen that this is happening to a few Google Wavenet voices.

We’re in touch with the team at Google, we’ll let you know once the issue is resolved :)


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