Q: My code is invalid...

I purchased this deal and thought I had activated it. My whole family ended up getting sick with the flu for 2 weeks and I just now tried to activate it. It says that my code is invalid. I have emailed support, but am still waiting on a response. Can anyone help me activate my code?

On a side note, I think that such a short time limit on redemption is ridiculous. Especially on a LIFETIME offer. As entrepreneurs, we are so busy we are not always able to act on redemption and setting up new software. But I often buy deals if it's something I know I will need in the future. If you are going to put a time limit on redemption, it should be consistent between every sumo deal. It should really be 1 year from date of purchase, and no shorter than 6 months. IMO.

eric69Jan 17, 2019
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