Q: when i speak to liveagent now they say appsumo users wont get the new features even we purchased the ALL inclusive deal

solutionsw3marketingMay 17, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Thank you for reaching out with your query regarding new features added to LiveAgent. We fully stand by our promise made during the AppSumo campaign. All our AppSumo customers continue to enjoy lifetime updates to all features included in the All-Inclusive Plan, even though, as you correctly noted, this plan is no longer being sold. It's important to note here that not selling a plan does not mean that it is no longer supported. You will receive all future system updated and fixes, without newly released features. The plan continues to exist for customers who purchased it, whether they are Appsumo customers or not, and we have not migrated these or other customers to other plans. We have simply ceased selling these plans while creating new plans with a new approach (introducing more features to even lower plans, but with limitations).
So I would like to reassure you that the discontinuation of the All-Inclusive Plan does not constitute a forced update or change to your current plan. All customers from the AppSumo campaign will continue to receive all future updates of the declarated features presented in the deal.
For example, if you're interested in accessing our newly released features such as WhatsApp integration, you would need to consider upgrading to the Large Business plan. But if these new additions are not critical for your business, you can continue to enjoy your current plan which is still receiving lifetime updates, but won't include any new features.
We value your understanding on this matter and assure you that we are committed to delivering top-quality service to our customers. Please let us know if you have more questions or if there's anything else we can do to help.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Dec 28, 2023

I think your usage of "LiveAgent's All-Inclusive Plan" and "lifetime updates" were misleading. As this would signal that it would include even new features. As it is "liveagent's ALL INCLUSIVE plan with certain dictated limitations. The omission of new features on the text is really misleading. This campaign looks to have been just a money grab and you hold those that funded the new features hostage with outdated and unusable software. I was on the fence of re-activating this software or using Chatwoot. This continues to be an unused software due to your misleading tactics.

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: May 11, 2024

This is the main problem with purchasing a license for Appsumo.
That in the beginning, startups offer you a lot of benefits and lifetime updates, but it usually turns out that they do not keep their word and you are left with something worn out from another era, while the product not develops.