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Member since: Sep 2018Deals bought: 208
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 20, 2018

Adding Extra Seats

Great software and support. However I added myself and 1 extra person. Worked fine, but when I added a 3rd, nothing alerted regarding price changing. I was billed $80 for adding an extra person without anyone alerting me.

They are demanding the money and will close my account.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hello Spooksie,

I understand your concern, allow me to explain how the billing works:

AppSumo lifetime deal gives you access to 2 seats (owner of the account and an agent) for a single purchase of 59$. Each additional agent (on top of the 2) is rated at 39$ / month for an agent. The 2 seat/no stacking policy was communicated throughout the campaign, is transparently visible on our AppSumo page, in the reviews and in the comments.

The way how LiveAgent works is based on pay as you go model, which means that we are charging you only for real usage and amount of agents you added to your account. In your case, you were charged 78$ because of the following reasons:

- 39$ was the usage fee from your first month (for your 1 seat on top of the 2 free lifetime seats)
- the second 39$ rate is forward fee based on your previous usage.

Since you deleted the 3rd agent after you got notified about the payment issue, we removed the forward fee.
We also didn't say anything about closing your account. In the discussion, we mentioned only suspension, where, after the proper payment, you can continue to use your license.

I hope that helps!

- Dave
