Q: other questions

1 - I'm thinking in purchase the max tier... I'm testing LouiseBot and based on the answers it not looks like chatgpt4 (compared with other chatbots that I have that are using chatgpt4 using the same prompt) can you guarantee that you are using chatgpt 4 model?

2 - Ai Bot can send images or files to the user in chat widget based on key words or intentions?

3 - Can one bot transfer to another bot ? Example: AI Bot transfer to popup video chatbot and vice versa?

4 - As you don't have whitelabel or cname feature... would be great if in chatbot widget script your team just renamed LouiseBot to LB then all users will not see the name LouiseBot and it will be come almost a whitelabel script can you think about this?

Rodrigo.LTDPLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hi again Rodrigo šŸ‘‹

Here are the answers to your points:

šŸ‘‰ AI Models Used: Yes, we use the GPT-4 model, among other OpenAI models, but not exclusively. Our AI-powered chatbots utilize various artificial intelligence models, which are automatically selected based on the user's intent and the instructions given. Some models respond better than others in different situations.
A key factor is also the configuration of your bot. If you've set it to "fastest," the responses will prioritize speed, which can lead to differences compared to the "smartest" mode. We recommend adjusting the configuration according to your specific needs, and if you're looking for a balanced option, "smart" mode works well.

Unlike some platforms that rely solely on GPT models, our system automatically chooses the best model for each scenario. So while we do use GPT-4, I canā€™t guarantee that every response will come from GPT-4. This explains why your results might differ from other tests youā€™ve done with GPT-4. One advantage of LouiseBot is that it will always use the most up-to-date models, without requiring you to manage updates on your end.

šŸ‘‰ Sending Images and Files: Our AI chatbots do not currently support sending images or files, as it's not a common request from our clients. However, our pre-built text chatbots can handle this. In a future version, if your knowledge base contains image URLs, they will be previewable in the chatbot's AI responses, provided the AI returns them. That said, our chatbots do not generate images themselves.

šŸ‘‰ Bot Transfers: Yes, this feature is currently in Beta testing. You can start with a text chatbot or videobot and transfer the interaction to an AI-powered chatbot. However, the reverse (transferring from the AI chatbot to another type of bot) is not planned at this time.
Branding Customization: Regarding your suggestion about white-labeling or CNAME, while it's not a frequent request from the agencies we work with, itā€™s a great idea. Therefore, we will add it to our roadmap for discussion with the team. We truly value your suggestions, and we always take them into consideration for future improvements.

Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

See you āœØ

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