Good email validate
Works effectively. After filtering, export csv file can use with substack.
There are 2 things need pay attention to:
- The confirmation email when registering was sent to the spam mailbox so I took a long time to find it.
- The account does not note "3,500 weekly credits" but only shows 3,500 lifetime which is misleading, at first I thought there were only 3,500 credits for a lifetime :(

Jun 30, 2024Hello and thank you for the 5 tacos!
We’re committed to providing the best email validation service across all of Sentry’s community. We take your comments and suggestions very seriously and act on them promptly.
I’ll be forwarding your concerns to our team first thing tomorrow and will keep you posted within the week.
For any further concerns or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated and expert customer support team.
Again, thank you for using MailSentry Email Verifier. We hope it continues to be effective in your business journey.