SEO Competition Analysis Tool

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Member since: Apr 2018Deals bought: 245
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1 stars
Posted: Apr 8, 2022

Where are all these great reviews coming from?

I really got to question where are all these great reviews coming from?
Come on, guys! Used the keyword once in the title and the recommendation was to DECREASE the keyword usage DOWN TO ZERO!

At the very least put the website you are testing into the mix of 20 you are displaying so that you can see how you stack up, otherwise, this is only good for someone who heard of SEO last week.

This one is going back.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Sorry you weren't happy with Audiit, we do our best to help where needed, and adapt when we fall short.

Also thank you for the feedback and opportunity to improve.

The stats for your URL are available on the "Your URL" tab. :-)

We separated this out because that is what early users told us they preferred.

Having said that, recently more and more users have expressed that they prefer it be included, so an upcoming update will include it, and make it removable if you so choose.

Regarding the suggestions; they are based on exactly what the leading serp results are doing, without any opinion from us interjected because that is what Audiit is designed to do, collect the raw data on what the winning sites are doing.

Suggestions are just that, suggestions based on what is working for others. It is then up to the person implementing the SEO to decide if what is working can be improved upon.

We do not inject any kind of opinion into the data because that wasn't our goal with Audiit and there are other tools that already serve that need.

We have no plans to change the model of data collection; however we may consider a second set of suggestions for "What the data say" and "Our suggestions" or something to that effect to make it easier to make SEO decisions.

Again sorry Audiit wasn't what you expected it to be. Thanks for the feedback and opportunity to improve.

God bless.
