Q: Does this also capture app crashes?
Or is it just user-triggered reports? If the answer is yes, I see that there are "session replays" available. Would I be able to see the video of the crash like AppSee does?
May 15, 2024A: Hey :) Thanks for your message.
For web apps & websites we support automated silent bug reports on crash (or on rage click - this is handy for broken buttons i.e). The bug reports can also include session replays and can either be silent or with a prompt to the user.
For our native SDKs this is not yet available.
Best regards,
Thanks for the fast response! So is this feature on the roadmap for the native SDK? Also am I correct to assume that this tool is more geared towards websites rather than mobile apps?
Sure you are welcome. We are geared towards both Web & App :) We basically even started out with our App SDKs first. We are constantly developing new features requested by our customers and are improving our SDKs :)