An excellent site abandoned by Felipe C.!
Here's a gem that will probably be closed soon. There's no more support! It's scandalous to take customers for idiots. Notifications have not worked for several months! So you don't know when a prospect arrives, or when you receive a message. So I left a message for support via No response. I emailed Felipe directly and he told me to contact Rxtuteur for support. Rxtuteur ? What's that? Well, it's a site that uses to provide training for pharmacies in Canada. I sent 2 emails to Rxtuteur and Felipe! No answer from them. Felipe doesn't seem to be part of the Rxtuteur project anymore ! ALL the customers who believed in chatsurvey before Rxtuteur find themselves abandoned. The worst thing about all this is that they don't even bother to reply to customers, it's a profound contempt! What a pity that this article is in the wrong hands at the moment. I hope Felipe will take the lead again and rediscover his humanist values.