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Verified purchaser

Member since: Mar 2021Deals bought: 293
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 13, 2022

Great experience!

I just bought it and it's really cool!
- Conversational feeling, this makes survey so much more enjoyable
- You can embed gifs and pictures and videos (youtube)
- MULTILINGUAL, so amazing. You can link several surveys in the background and have a simple langauge choice in the beginning to direct the flow to the right survey
- Great support, very quick, and very helpful and accommodating
Improvement potential:
- I made one survey so my issues are not fully tested yet. Using the browser BRAVE, I experienced some fields with difficulties (it would not save the url I have entered into the redirect field).
- Overall a must have for an incredible price (especially compared to Typeform, which it is totally at the same eye-level with, with some even better options and better usability)
