Chat Survey

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Member since: Nov 2021Deals bought: 72
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 10, 2023

Outstanding Form/Survey Builder

I've contacted them, and they were more than willing to fix and answer my questions.

I've used other platforms from AppSumo, and sadly they didn't perform or function in this unique and engaging way; we just did a 40-question Survey with over 300+ submissions, and after speaking with a few of the people who completed the survey, they loved how it functioned and operated.

Some of the features are super cool!
- "Small Talk" - Like logic, but you can tailor your responses easily to each answer submitted.
- How it embeds on your site - CLEAN
- Speed
-Confetti when you complete a form/survey
- Screening Surveys - It allows you to have a survey that sets up multiple different surveys
- And so much more!
