POWERFULL !! Hidden Gem !
If you need a powerful chat style, poll /survey with multi uses this is it!!
This is not just a survey chat ! - It has SUPER powerfull features packed in for this early stage in production. Some of the features which i think is awesome are
- Conditional Logic - (routes to different questions based on your selection)
- Small talk ( useful for providing infomation / reactions )
- Ability to Tag answers to different questions.
- Live results - ( I use it as a live poll presentation for events!! )
- Clean UI & Embeddable for both chat window and results
Basically you can program CHAT BOT functions INTO A COLLECTION FORM!! WOW. - ?What you are getting is the simulation of human interation with users.
Dedicated founder that is active in answering your questions and open to product feedback. I hope we can have API intergration with Pabbly / konnectzit and that would make it very powerful.
This product deserves way more attetntion! Excellent 5 Tacos!