Q: i wanted to verify a few points in the appsumo deal if you don't mind.
so the following terms id like to verify
the definitions for them so let me know where i am incorrect so I can possess the proper information:
sends emails when Triggers are activated
-Subscriber lists:
means that i can have a total of 1,000 DIFFERENT lists
that can contain any # of email recipients?
this means "subscribers" are email recipients?
this means i can have 1k of different strategies active?
-Sending Servers:
i need clarification on this
-Add Email Verification Server:
please clarify this and how to use it
-Unlimited Sending (Using your SMTP):
i would like to use this option and this gives me unlimited sending, but if i don't have this what is my limit?
for one code?
-Daily Tracking
this means i can track my emails, right?
-Auto Responder
this means when i get a reply i can set up a auto reply for email a "No-Reply" email?
-Statistics Reporting
i can generate reports lets say on a campaign or on a date range?
-Real-Time Status Updates
this means i get information as soon as it happens.
-Custom Confirmation Page
i would like more clarification on what this means please.
-Quick and Easy Restful API
this means i can set the API to work with my website correct? would i get any support for my developers from your end?