
Video-call-based community for early-stage startup founders

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GrowthClub is a video-call-based community for early-stage founders.

So you are building a startup... and your friends, your partner, and your dog are sick of you talking about it all the time?

With GrowthClub, you can meet cherry-picked founders weekly in 1-on-1 video calls.

GrowthClub is a place to get feedback about your startup, exchange growth hacks, and build genuine connections.

GrowthClub is not only about quality members -- it is about quality conversations.

To cut the usual shallow networking conversations, video-calls are automatically facilitated through dynamic agenda, weekly goal-setting, and founder profiles. This way, you can get right to the meat of the matter and hit your goals faster.

By default, you meet a new member every time -- so you get different perspectives on your business.

You can always request a follow-up meeting with members so you build over time your own mastermind group of close buddies.

And yes, the club does have a private Slack space for members as well.

Join GrowthClub fam today with a lifetime offer!


too long didn't read
Live 1-on-1 video-calls with founders with $5000 average MRR (at the time of launching on AppSumo)
Access to a private Slack space for members only to exchange ideas and network
Structured meetings with smart agenda, weekly goals, and follow-ups
Best for: Early-stage founders who need feedback and accountability


Meet a new founder in weekly 1-on-1 video calls, set weekly goals, and enjoy follow-up meetings
Choose the most optimal way a founder can help you before each meeting, based on their profile
Reach anyone in member-only Slack space and follow-up after meetings with automatic prompts
The average monthly recurring revenue across our members is $5000, & founders are from 15+ countries


Maxim Zavadskiy

Updates from GrowthClub

November 09, 2020

Posted Feb 9, 2023


Questions & Reviews

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Showing 5 of 8 questions

Q: Dear Max, what about online education business founder ?

drodriguesPLUSMar 23, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Welcome! We got a bunch of people like you here!


Q: Hi, 1.

Since you mentioned in deal terms, "All future plan updates" so then what will it mean if the deal is not mapped to any plan. Do not you think that is a fair question on my part?

2. Will you include all the upcoming features like B2B marketing and others (as mentioned in your response) to buyers of this deal, after all we are backing you early and are at risk of loosing money? Thing is I need some kind of clarity as what all features, I will be getting before making an investment. So please think it through and clarify. As a fellow entrepreneur, I think you should include all features for Sumolings, and may be can put some numeric restriction on those which will amount to large monthly operating costs at your end.

I don't want to land in a situation where everything is an upsell later on.

I look forward to your response.

Thank you!

VK_2018PLUSJan 30, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Good questions. We priced the deal so it is well worth already the current features - meeting founders based on the stage of startup/topics you are interested in talking about, and other features described in the deal.

We can't guarantee that all upcoming features will be available for free for the lifetime members, but some will be for sure.


Q: Hi, 1.

I checked your website, which plan on your site is this deal mapped to, will we get access to all future features as mentioned in deal terms "All future plan updates", so which plan exactly since your website either mentions monthly or six month subscription, so can I presume that sumolings who buy this deal will get access to all future features.

2. Can you show me the product development roadmap?

3. What is your base location and team strength?

4. Can I switch off my availability in case I am too busy to interact in certain months, similarly can I search members and contact them directly. Do you really think people will leave platforms like Facebook and Linked in and pay money to join this platform and then offer free advice, is it working for you right now?


VK_2018PLUSJan 14, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi, great questions!

1. The plan gives access to at least the features described in the AppSumo deal, there is no plan on the website that maps to the AppSumo plan, unfortunately. We cannot promise that all upcoming features will be available for the lifetime deal owners.

2. Sure, here is what kind of plans we have for the next 12 months:
- Matching by meeting topics, e.g. Launch or B2B Marketing (already in beta)
- Recording notes, insights and meetings transcriptions
- Accountability+ - scoreboard for weekly goals, long-term goals, improved chatbot follow-up on the goals
- Matching by verticals and other criterias
- Calls with experts & mentors, introductions to investors
- Community's own perk marketplace
- New formats of calls, such as round-table discussions, co-working calls.

3. Company is founded and registered in Helsinki, Finland. I am a digital nomad (currently in Medellin, Colombia) and my co-founder Dima is currently in Helsinki. Our main strenghts is experience with coaching (Dima is a CEO of a micro-coaching business) and other structured meeting facilitation techniques .

4. We have a check-in system. When you available on particular week, you leave your availability timeslots and we will send you a calendar invitation. So no need to participate every week.

Founders prefer us to e.g. networking in Linkedin because it is 1-click to meet a real founder.

Hope it helps!


Q: Hey Max!

I saw in a previous question that you mentioned this is primarily for tech founders. I'm a Marketing Strategist who focuses primarily on more service-based entrepreneurs than SAAS. Is this something I would find valuable or is it too niche?

MeganBPLUSJan 7, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Megan, thanks for asking. We have quite a bunch of consultancy/agency founders working on the service business, so you are very welcome to join!


Q: Hi, What about conversation privacy, how do you plan to add members, why do you expect founders to devote time, charity or what?

Also what kind of networking and business benefits realistically should one expect? Do you store interactions, can I search them and download points?


VK_2018PLUSDec 3, 2020
See detail
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: On privacy & recordings: Some fragments of conversation can be analyzed by our team to improve the framework & in-call features. However, no-one else has access to these. Although we temporarily store the meeting recordings we currently do not have an interface to access them, it is in our backlog, however. You can read more about privacy here .

On acquisition: Before AppSumo our business model was a monthly subscription of around $50 & we were acquiring new customers through Linkedin outreach and content marketing.

On value: Our members report that GrowthClub is great for getting emotional support, getting tactical and strategic business insights (e.g. we have stories of founders deciding to kill their startup idea after 1 conversation), accountability and parthnerships (we have had 10% of members engaging in parthnerships).

Hope it helps and feel free to ask more!


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