Q: Hi, What about conversation privacy, how do you plan to add members, why do you expect founders to devote time, charity or what?
Also what kind of networking and business benefits realistically should one expect? Do you store interactions, can I search them and download points?
May 14, 2024A: On privacy & recordings: Some fragments of conversation can be analyzed by our team to improve the framework & in-call features. However, no-one else has access to these. Although we temporarily store the meeting recordings we currently do not have an interface to access them, it is in our backlog, however. You can read more about privacy here https://www.growthclub.online/privacy-policy .
On acquisition: Before AppSumo our business model was a monthly subscription of around $50 & we were acquiring new customers through Linkedin outreach and content marketing.
On value: Our members report that GrowthClub is great for getting emotional support, getting tactical and strategic business insights (e.g. we have stories of founders deciding to kill their startup idea after 1 conversation), accountability and parthnerships (we have had 10% of members engaging in parthnerships).
Hope it helps and feel free to ask more!
Verified purchaser
Which plan on your website is this deal mapped to, will Appsumo customers get all future features or we are buying a stagnant product. Also why will founders pay to join this over free utilities like Linked in.