- LinkedIn Analytics Tool for Personal Profiles Questions

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Q: Will you be back on Appsumo?

gwenaelle4Mar 6, 2023
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Q: Hi, my company account is connected to my personal page.

Is it possible to post automatically on my company page instead of my personal one ?


projAug 25, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi there,

this is not possible quite yet, but I will note down your feature request. We are currently working on the company page integration and may be able to also add a scheduling tool here!



Q: Hi there, Do I need to be paying for a LinkedIn premium account for this to have full functionality?

Thank you!

shaihaludPLUSAug 23, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi!

no, you don't need to upgrade your LinkedIn profile to Premium. Our dashboard works with free LinkedIn profiles as well.

Best regards,


Q: Hi, Can I replace the linkedIn account?

For example, 3 months account X, 4 monts account z


billing89PLUSAug 12, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi Roy,

replacing your LinkedIn Profile requires you to unlink/ delete your existing account.
This can be done by clicking on the trash icon next to your Account.

While It is possible with the AppSumo plan to onboard multiple profiles, it's easier if we built a custom plan for you. This way licenses can be changed and you have multiple profiles to look at at the same time.



Q: I looked at buying this on Monday at $69 now 5 days later $99?

This is becoming the norm here on Appsumo and I really don't like the price hikes with no advance notice and very little update on why the price has hiked?

I only see 3 buyer reviews and no updates on the product regarding what is better now that appsumos should pay $30 more for?

p.s. appsumo you need to start flagging when prices are going to rise to give users a bit more time to get their cash sorted, especially when you have so many products on the platform.

ManyWaysPLUSJul 25, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Also, I forgot to note that there are constant updates happening in the background. Just as I'm typing this, we are working on the first implementation of "Insights" (recommendations based on a target audience you choose). Hopefully, we will soon be able to share updates on this.

With your support here on AppSumo you help us to finance the product and develop it further. So I encourage you to see it as an investment in our venture. We can't do that without your help.


Q: I have many, many social media management apps that post to LinkedIn and provide analytics.

I'm interested in learning how yours is different from a tool that publishes and provides analytics for all the major social networks, instead of just linkedin.

Thanks in advance for helping me understand better.

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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hey there,

Thank you for your question!

You won't find many tools out there that are capable of analyzing your personal LinkedIn account. Hootsuite, Buffer, or any other are only capable of delivering insights for your company page. The rest is still a black box.

Our objective is to form insights in the perspective of the next 6 months, speaking: you tell us who you want to reach out to on LinkedIn, eg. "Increase the engagement of Marketing Professionals in the UK, working at Amazon", and we help you to optimize your chances to connect with these people using targeted content.

Example: "We found that your best chances of engaging with these people maybe by posting mainly videos on Tuesdays, at 3 Pm, consider using one of the following hashtags or write content that is no longer than 500 chars."

We are committed to LinkedIn as we see a lot of potential that is still untouched. A lot of questions that we can answer with the data that we observe.



Q: How does it work?

Could you please explain how the data is collected and what it needs to be done. Unfortunately, I can't find any specific information on your website.

I use firefox as browser. Does it work with firefox?

3b91aa7b8ce446bf91c319e30fdb0240PLUSJul 12, 2021
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Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there!

We extract the data via our Chrome Extension. You don't need to use Chrome to analyze your data only to connect it with LinkedIn. So, you can use Firefox as well.

You can find out more here:

Hope that helps!


Q: Hi!

Please confirm, I use my personal account to manage 3 bussiness accounts. Could you please confirm if one code will allow me to schedule post in the 3 accounts?

leo38Jul 13, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi Leo,

no, it won't! For each account, you need 1 code to redeem. However, before you go ahead and purchase a code make sure to get in touch with the support team as the process will be different for already existing accounts.

If you, on the other hand, want to manage multiple accounts at once and need more than just 3 profiles please reach out in person and we will offer you a custom plan!



Q: I have a solo account for inlytics already.

If I buy this Lifetime deal can I upgrade my account to a "pro"

f91afd240e1a448c8e7d8c5d35380e17Jul 13, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi there,

the AppSumo Plan currently has all the features from the Business plan so it will be an upgrade, yes. However, you have to get in touch with support if you want to change your accounts. This is because you otherwise would need to register a new account for this purpose. If you want to go for that you can do it on your own.

Hope that helps!



Q: 1.)

Are there any plans to help us to increase our SSI score with more detailed recommendations than are offered by Linkedin?
2.) Are there any plans to offer guidance on how to better utilize Navigator?
3.) Based on my initial stats, I can see that most of my connections are peers and colleagues rather than prospects. Any plans to help guide us towards attracting more customers and prospects?
4.) Is it possible for you to show us what keywords our profile is optimized for and how we rank relative to others ranking for that profile? So, we can observe what are competitors are doing and learn to better position ourselves?

2ab0bf903bbe4671849b693101c2fa97PLUSJul 14, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi there!

These are great questions and valuable feedback at the same time.

1) SSI is a calculation from LinkedIn. It's quite hard to uncover how exactly certain actions influence the SSI score. Sometimes, very well-optimized profiles with a lot of activity and community engagement get worse scores than individuals that do way less. I have summarized my thoughts about the SSI score here: - maybe there will be the option to include more recommendations here in the future.

2) We do not focus our efforts on the sales navigator as this is something that LinkedIn does on its own. We do not want to interfere with their premium services but rather expand what is already there and make it better.

3) That is a great question! This is something that a lot of people request. We are currently checking this case with a lawyer as we do take data protection seriously. If we display data from third-party people we have to make sure that we are allowed to do so. So, we are looking into this :)

4) You are basically talking about LinkedIn SEO. Also, this is one more future feature we might be able to implement down the road. We have concepts of implementing more than just that. It would also be nice to have an automated process of analyzing your profile from time to time and tell you what need's to be optimized.

To wrap it up: Your ideas are great most of them are already on our pipe. I cannot promise how fast we can implement all of that since we are still a relatively small team.

Thank you for the support!


Q: This is awesome!

I have been doing this manually over the years.

1) Is there a community/group that exchanges opinions & thoughts on LinkedIn's algorithms & limits? This would be very useful for LinkedIn users! Could you start a group and share your insights?
2) How can we schedule posts and get the posts auto analysed with engagement data immediately?
3) Is there a table view of all posts: likes, shares, comments and reshares?
4) Can you identify recurring profiles that engages with the posts, so we know how to target these profiles?
5) Can you include templates and sign off texts in the post schedule, so we don't have to keep copy & pasting the texts?
6) Can you include date and time or recurring schedules to be posted instead of doing it one by one for now?
7) What is the support email?

Suggestion: you can take some suggestions from Publer how they have created a really easy way to schedule posts by recurring days/time and sign off texts.

Noah_MosesJul 1, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi Noah,

I saw your question has been posted twice, I'm going to copy and past the message below.

thank you for your questions:

1) There is no community there just yet. Maybe a great opportunity for you to start one?
2) Any post that goes live on LinkedIn via our tool or that has been posted manually will be visible within inlytics. You can check the stats near real-time (usually 10-30 min. delay) or analyze them a few days later when more data has been aggregated :)
3. Yes, under the "Content" tab the "Content Overview" table
4) This is way on top of our most frequently requested features. We are currently checking if and how we can display data from these people and, what this would mean in terms of GDPR compliance.
5) That is actually a smart idea. We have to explore how a feature like that would be implemented in our product.
6) I'm not quite sure what you mean by "recurring schedules"?
7) support @inlytics .io


Q: 5) Can you include templates and sign off texts in the post schedule, so we don't have to keep copy & pasting the texts?

6) Can you include date and time or recurring schedules to be posted instead of doing it one by one for now?

Suggestion: you can take some suggestions from Publer how they have created a really easy way to schedule posts by recurring days/time and sign off texts.

Noah_MosesJun 30, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: 5) That is actually a smart idea. We have to explore how a feature like that would be implemented in our product.
6) I'm not quite sure what you mean by "recurring schedules"?


Q: This is awesome!

I have been doing this manually over the years.

1) Is there a community/group that exchanges opinions & thoughts on LinkedIn's algorithms & limits? This would be very useful for LinkedIn users! Could you start a group and share your insights?
2) How can we schedule posts and get the posts auto analysed with engagement data immediately?
3) Is there a table view of all posts: likes, shares, comments and reshares?
4) Can you identify recurring profiles that engages with the posts, so we know how to target these profiles?

Noah_MosesJun 30, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Noah,

thank you for your questions:

1) There is no community there just yet. Maybe a great opportunity for you to start one?
2) Any post that goes live on LinkedIn via our tool or that has been posted manually will be visible within inlytics. You can check the stats near real-time (usually 10-30 min. delay) or analyze them a few days later when more data has been aggregated :)
3. Yes, under the "Content" tab the "Content Overview" table
4) This is way on top of our most frequently requested features. We are currently checking if and how we can display data from these people and, what this would mean in terms of GDPR compliance.


Q: Does this do any work on comparing or suggesting what is working within your feed of OTHER people's content, ...

so help with ideas etc on how on what is popular that is already out there...I don't currently produce much on LInkedin so not sure how valuable it would be?

79a36f32f5764679873d202068b406d6Jun 24, 2021
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Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi there!

Our tool focuses mainly on the content that you have created to help you understand how you can improve it to reach the right people, optimize content performance or drive sales.

To get inspiration from what others are doing (and what's working) I recommend asking another inlytics user to share their data within the tool (Single Account Sharing or Groups). If you want hit me up on LinkedIn and I will share my inlytics data with you to get started.

Hope that helps!


Q: Hi Sumo-lings, We have good news for you: the Group Feature is now out in Beta and available on your plan 🎉!

You can now create dedicated team dashboards to manage multiple LinkedIn Accounts. The feature comes with the ability to set user permissions eg. "Admin", "Analyst" or, "User".

Go check it out!

- Tim

inlyticsJun 14, 2021
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Q: Does inlytics scrape our connections' personal data?

I understand the benefits of an analytics tool but I just want to make sure the tool doesn't violate Linkedin's Terms of Service in any way, as that could get our account restricted or banned. Please clarify, thank you.

b78f6b8d3b894f21bbe605d5ed87043eJun 10, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi there!
No, we do not do that. We do only observe data that is held by you.
- Tim


Q: The text posts can now be 3000 characters long directly on LinkedIn.

When are you going to impliment this?

sonja54Jun 9, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi,

This will be changed already this week. Thank you!

Best regards,


Q: If I sign up for a free account to test it is it still possible to use the AppSumo code?

f0dea85622824b8ab73cf84753727c74PLUSJun 7, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi,

Yes, but only if you have had already a free account with us before the launch of the AppSumo campaign. If this is the case, please email us the purchased AppSumo code + the email identificator of the account.

Thank you!



Q: interesting app concept.

Could it be used for the business pages of the main profile?
Think about suggestions to improve post keywords to get more exposure, thus interactions.

eduardmPLUSJun 4, 2021
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May 15, 2024

A: Hi Eduard!

Thanks for reaching out. As for now, we do only support personal profiles. However, we consider adding company pages as well. You can check out our recently created, public roadmap and share your thought:

With that, you mean getting content (hashtag, topics..) suggestions based on the audience you want to reach out to?

To give you an example of where we are headed: our goal down the road is to form statements based on your industry and the segment of people you want to reach out to on LinkedIn.

That may include hashtags, content topics, or maybe even „trigger“ keywords.



Q: Hey Sumo-lings 👋 There are upcoming changes you can expect to see very soon!

- A small UI overhaul (including updated charts)
- The introduction of „Groups“ (Team Dashboard) (in beta)
- Small fixes and improvements

Also, I’m happy to announce that we have set up a public roadmap for our AppSumo launch. Check it out here and feel free to contribute:

Much 💙

inlyticsJun 4, 2021
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