- LinkedIn Analytics Tool for Personal Profiles

Product details

Q: 1.)

Are there any plans to help us to increase our SSI score with more detailed recommendations than are offered by Linkedin?
2.) Are there any plans to offer guidance on how to better utilize Navigator?
3.) Based on my initial stats, I can see that most of my connections are peers and colleagues rather than prospects. Any plans to help guide us towards attracting more customers and prospects?
4.) Is it possible for you to show us what keywords our profile is optimized for and how we rank relative to others ranking for that profile? So, we can observe what are competitors are doing and learn to better position ourselves?

2ab0bf903bbe4671849b693101c2fa97PLUSJul 14, 2021
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi there!

These are great questions and valuable feedback at the same time.

1) SSI is a calculation from LinkedIn. It's quite hard to uncover how exactly certain actions influence the SSI score. Sometimes, very well-optimized profiles with a lot of activity and community engagement get worse scores than individuals that do way less. I have summarized my thoughts about the SSI score here: - maybe there will be the option to include more recommendations here in the future.

2) We do not focus our efforts on the sales navigator as this is something that LinkedIn does on its own. We do not want to interfere with their premium services but rather expand what is already there and make it better.

3) That is a great question! This is something that a lot of people request. We are currently checking this case with a lawyer as we do take data protection seriously. If we display data from third-party people we have to make sure that we are allowed to do so. So, we are looking into this :)

4) You are basically talking about LinkedIn SEO. Also, this is one more future feature we might be able to implement down the road. We have concepts of implementing more than just that. It would also be nice to have an automated process of analyzing your profile from time to time and tell you what need's to be optimized.

To wrap it up: Your ideas are great most of them are already on our pipe. I cannot promise how fast we can implement all of that since we are still a relatively small team.

Thank you for the support!

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