Q: How does it work?
Could you please explain how the data is collected and what it needs to be done. Unfortunately, I can't find any specific information on your website.
I use firefox as browser. Does it work with firefox?

May 14, 2024A: Hi there!
We extract the data via our Chrome Extension. You don't need to use Chrome to analyze your data only to connect it with LinkedIn. So, you can use Firefox as well.
You can find out more here: https://www.inlytics.io/article/reconnect-chrome-extension
Hope that helps!
Exactly why do we need to install a Chrome extension? What permissions it requires?
The Chrome Extension is used to extract the data from LinkedIn. We're basically using the same session that you use in your Browser. This is currently the only known way for us to visualize the data in our dashboard. The only other option would be to hand out your LI email and PW.