Q: This is awesome!
I have been doing this manually over the years.
1) Is there a community/group that exchanges opinions & thoughts on LinkedIn's algorithms & limits? This would be very useful for LinkedIn users! Could you start a group and share your insights?
2) How can we schedule posts and get the posts auto analysed with engagement data immediately?
3) Is there a table view of all posts: likes, shares, comments and reshares?
4) Can you identify recurring profiles that engages with the posts, so we know how to target these profiles?

May 15, 2024A: Hi Noah,
thank you for your questions:
1) There is no community there just yet. Maybe a great opportunity for you to start one?
2) Any post that goes live on LinkedIn via our tool or that has been posted manually will be visible within inlytics. You can check the stats near real-time (usually 10-30 min. delay) or analyze them a few days later when more data has been aggregated :)
3. Yes, under the "Content" tab the "Content Overview" table
4) This is way on top of our most frequently requested features. We are currently checking if and how we can display data from these people and, what this would mean in terms of GDPR compliance.