- LinkedIn Analytics Tool for Personal Profiles

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Member since: Apr 2018Deals bought: 515
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jul 3, 2021

Works & Plenty of Room for Improvement

This saved me alot of time to analyse and measure results. At the moment I can do it manually the basic offerings so I am looking for something more for my use case.

Area for improvement:
+ API & webhooks to send results
+ Gsheets integration
+ CS response time at the moment is non-existent? Wrote emails to, and all with no response.

Suggestion to take copy Publer's posting template and include sign off texts templates.

Not sure why TexAu founder has to give such a poor rating and used his own profile for testing. I had no problem using it on my LinkedIn and faced no restrictions at all.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi Noah,

Thank you once again for your feedback - appreciate it.

Your thoughts and noteworthy and will be considered in the further development of the product.

Regarding the CS topic: I do not know what's going on that you do not receive any feedback. We have one person in place to monitor all incoming mails. Recently, we had an issue with requests being classified as "Spam" and thrown out of the inbox but that should now be fixed by now.

I will place that topic again in the daily tomorrow to see how we can better in this regard. In the meanwhile, if you have anything to report, sent it to, that's the right email address.

Thank you :)!
