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Member since: Mar 2017Deals bought: 249
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 3, 2023

Email Procrastination Killer - Great Time Saver

headline pretty much sums things up. I tend to be an email watch dog and check emails way too much.. maybe that is so I don't actually work on projects, lol!! Anyway, MailmanHQ allows me to stay heads down on projects and only get delivered email 2 to 3 times a day. It's a huge timesaver since I have *Squirrel* shiny object ADHD issues ;-)

Another great feature is being able to soft quarantine emails to then review and allow through one time or all the time or BLOCK for good. I was constantly blocking spammy emails that killed productive time and now I can do so in less then a few minutes a day.
