Musicsesame - Stock Music Library

Royalty free music for YouTube, ads, films, documentaries, podcasts, and more

Musicsesame offers an entire stock music library.

Gain the right to download any track, at any time, without any extra cost. All tracks are 100% royalty free meaning that no agent, PRS, ASCAP or other collective rights society will never ask for royalties.


too long didn't read
All tracks belong exclusively 100% to our company - you will not find those tracks anywhere else
Use in premium media placements worldwide such as films and global ads (they're even YouTube safe!)



Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
The Musicsesame library is not available on any other platform.

200 + tracks and growing -- Commercial license for our 200+ exclusive tracks. You only pay once & use all our stock music forever in endless projects.

Music for all media -- Whether it is YouTube, Film, Video or Documentary you do not need a second music license. Our music licenses cover all media uses.

Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
Exclusive royalty free music.

Exclusive tracks -- Tracks belong 100% to our company. You will not find those tracks anywhere else.

Pay Once – Download current & future tracks. A single price for access to our entire music library.

Download any track -- Just pick the track you want and download it instantly.

Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
Use all our stock music forever in multiple projects.

Get access today!

From the founders

May 25, 2022

Hello Sumo-Links!

This is John with Musicsesame! I am a pianist and composer and together with my team we have been in the production music making business for over 15 years.

All music included in Musicsesame library is 100% owned by my company, and has also been produced in our studio. You will not find those tracks anywhere else. EXCLUSIVE Royalty Free Music for YouTube, Ads, Films, Documentaries, Podcasts – 200 + Tracks and growing.

Feel free to audition all tracks on our website before purchase - please keep in mind that what you listen is what you get! All tracks can be previewed for free before your purchase.

Access is lifetime, we occasionally upload new music but not at a specific timeline - just when we feel inspired to do so :). So the main deal is about the existing content (200+ tracks)

Buying the Musicsesame deal you get:

1) Download of all tracks included in our Library (more than 200 tracks currently online)

2) Full commercial license to use in any project, worldwide and commercially

3) Exclusive music (you will not find this music anywhere else)

4) Removal of YouTube Copyright claims - we will clear any YouTube claim the same day upon confirming your license - just send us the video links (of course - in case you have a copyright claim - you may dispute and state that you are a Musicsesame subscriber)

5) Unlimited license for use in Films, Documentaries, Podcasts, YouTube (Monetization included). Vimeo, FB / Instagram Ads and any production for unlimited time.

6) Record your voice over our tracks and sell your productions(podcasts, voice over meditation videos etc)

Our license does not include resale of those tracks individually on iTunes, Spotify etc. You may not download the tracks and upload the tracks on iTunes and other platforms exactly as they are (without creating a new derivative work that has our music as background first).

Music is offered as production music in order to be used together with another production (such as films, podcasts, videos and more).

We hope this deal will save you money and time - and spice up your projects!

Feel free to reach out to us for any feedback or ideas about new music - we ‘d love to hear your thoughts!


John at

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