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NewsletterBreeze saves you lots of time to create great newsletters.

Great newsletters are the best way to connect with potential customers when they are not in your website. The problem is that sending regularly great newsletters involves creating lots of new and great content. That’s lots of time and money.

NewsletterBreeze is a news curation platform designed to bring the best content to your newsletters, investing very little time.

First, configure the content library to bring the content your subscribers want. Drag and drop this content to your newsletter. Edit it & configure the look of each smart template.

Send the newsletter with your own email marketing service through our integration or by exporting it.

NewsletterBreeze is for business owners and marketers who have very little time, but still want to use the power of email marketing to engage with their customers.

Get lifetime access to NewsletterBreeze now!


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Director General

Updates from NewsletterBreeze

March 31, 2021

Posted Feb 9, 2023


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