RTILA - RPA & Web Automation

Create Powerful Web Automations & Compile them into your own Software & Monetize them like a Pro !

RTILA is an Automation Software Making Factory.

Turn repetitive tasks into your own Standalone Automation Software for your clients and/or free up critical time for your team.

RTILA is an Automation Power House for Web professionals & Agencies, with a strong accent on granular, resilient & complex automation building.

Our Software & services come with a strong potential and program for monetizing the automation assets that you build with RTILA. This includes the Standalone Executable compiler feature but also our License check command to have your Bots or Standalone software launchable only if a one time time payment or subscription is valid.

Going the last mile of high value automations has a learning curve. And we have prepared over 300 free resources for you to learn & start from; Automation recipes, tutorials, documentation, custom commands. And a full Master Class on Ai & Web Automation for both non-developers and developers. Enroll to our free ClassMercial on our Skool community here: https://www.skool.com/classmercial

See video tutorial on how I have built a LinkedIn Auto-Connect software in less than 1H as a non-developer


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Collect important data about the competitors, target audience and its habits, market, data about social media etc.
RTILA will help businesses choose the best possible price in the market and attract more clients



Integrate almost any Websites into your automation flows. Whether the Web App has an API or not, RTILA can deal with it

RTILA can help you launch & grow almost any business by automating lead generation, outreach, and order fulfillment.

Our software is stable & powerful.

Automations can run for hundreds of hours in one go, collecting hundreds of thousands of data sets for you.

You can also compile your automations into Standalone Bots (your own software) and then run them on your computer.

New Automation Templates & Recipes almost every day

Learn from and kick off your own automations by importing any of our existing templates or recipes. And our team and community creates new templates almost every day. Learn, build and share and we will soon grow our recipes to over a thousand or more.

You will already find templates for E-commerce websites and online marketplaces, for using ChatGPT and other Ai integrations. We also have a strong social Media Automation demand and resources for you to launch or improve your Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA). We also have SEO related automation and mass content creation and publication.

And if you do not find what you need you can always request for a new template and get our community to upvote and we will be happy to add that to our templates building schedule, just join our FaceBook Group to engage with our community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rtila

Develop, import and use your own automation commands

Another unique and powerful differentiation is that we have opened our Command Engine so that third parties and you or your developers can create your own custom commands. No need to wait for our team to add functionalities, the community itself is able to move our Software forward by proposing new free or paid functionalities for niche or specific use cases.

Our Custom Commands feature allows you to develop automation functionalities using JavaScript for the browser side but you can also develop server-side functionalities using NodeJs. Even better, you can import existing npm packages, adapt them, get them downloaded and available within RTILA Studio for your users.

This is an other opportunity for return on investment for anything that you build with and for RTILA and this becomes your intellectual property, which you can monetize by making your custom commands "Premium" via a one time or subscription payment. Contact us to join our early beta phase for third party developers.

Monthly updates and new features

We have been releasing updates almost every month for the last 4 years & we keep improving our Software based on our community feedback. Our new V7 has the following new & powerful features.

1) Big boost to our profile Session management feature so that you can login and maintain sessions even with the most restrictive websites like social media etc. We have also added an integration with Incogniton so that your automation flow can pick up an Incogniton Project ID browser instance and benefit for the existing login connections to start your automation flows seamlessly.

2) Added support for Brave browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can now run your automation on Brave which offers amazing speed and reduced RAM/CPU & bandwidth consumptions. In some cases we have automations that now run 10 times faster with the V7 & Brave.

3) Embedded our RTILA Studio Inspection/Command panel into the new Tab feature of Edge, Chromium and Brave browsers. Allowing you to automate even more websites as our Inspection panel appears even more natural to website security checks.

4) Revamped our Cloud API for a higher rate of automations that can run on the Cloud or you can install RTILA on your own VPS & have your own little cloud run setup.

From the founders

Holla community, this is Mohamed, your Automation Delivery Guy

We have been on AppSumo for a while now and you surely have seen the progress and hard work that we have been putting in making RTILA more & more powerful, and more recently more and more easy to use. Yes we have a long way to go still in terms of UI/UX but the power & monetization potential is already here for you to leverage. Which should already make our Life time deal a no-brainer & a secure investment.

Check our 90+ Tasty 4.8+ Tacos Reviews & we seldom request reviews, most of these are spontaneous from the community.

Why you should secure our deal now ?

First & foremost, we have passed the "Death Years" of LTD Software, we just celebrated our 4th year anniversary although we are still grassroot and pre-investment we have kept our expenses under control while steadily increasing our revenues through hard work and fanatic like support to our community.

Indeed there are plenty old and new players in the RPA and Automation fields but we are almost the only one, if not the unique case in the automation software industry, to offer the following differentiation features:

1) We are the only ones to offer a Compilation feature to turn your automation flows into Standalone Executable files that can run on your clients computers (Windows, Mac & Linux) without them needing to know about or have RTILA Studio. And we do not charge a per compilation fee and allow our Reseller Rights license holder to generate unlimited & un-capped Standalone software and we give Reseller Rights and unlock those Bots/Software for you to go and monetize the hell out of them. See this video tutorial on how I created my own Standalone Automation Software in less than 1H: https://youtu.be/MAeRdSzy-yM And NB: I was supposed to be a Physical Education teacher so you surely can do better than me :-)

2) We have opened our Command Engine so that we can now build even more functionalities and features, together as a community. Learn JavaScript & NodeJs or invite your developers to join us and create, add & distribute your own Custom Commands. See doc here: https://rtila.com/docs/custom-commands/

3) We truly care about our Community making the best of our Software in terms of Monetization, at the end we are all here to make money and this is part of our philosophy, to offer to anyone any agency a chance to learn and deploy automations and make a good/better income. We do this through our Success oriented support, our tutorials and the full Master Class on Ai & Automation with RTILA.

All this said, we have soon exhausted our time on AppSumo and offering a Life time deal, we start receiving investment offers as our growth is accelerating, so we will be phasing out our deal all together.

If you have a good feeling about where we are heading, jump onto the train now before it leaves the station :-)

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