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5 stars
Posted: Sep 20, 2021

A better way to Learn! 5 tacos all the way...

This is an interesting tool. I've got FreshLMS and Spayee from Appsumo but Traverse Link is something else.

You can built a course or make a library of notes and readings using this tool. It's not difficult and anyone can get the hang of this in 15-20 minutes if they try.

You can embed videos and links easily but watch the limit to their storage (my only grouse).

The best feature for me is that you can take any 10,000 word article and make it into a "course" with very little effort. No recommending that you take other people's work and start charging for it but I find it a wonderful way to share and generate more leads.

Yeah, grab this while it's available still. It's one of a kind.
