Elegant and effective simplicity
I've done Thinkific and also Kajabi - mighty platforms in their own right but with them comes a whole lot of complexity.
The secret sauce of Traverse is that it provides learning simply - there's no extraneous 'noise'. It's focused on learning.
I have so far used it mostly for condensing information for my own training - which is helping me understand how to build things in the platform (what a great way to learn it!). I am looking forward to releasing courses for purchase soon.
The whole KUMA thing was a real eye opener to me - it really works. Try it out with Traverse and you'll see.
On a side note, I come form Edinburgh, UK, and I remember as a youngster my parents going to the Traverse Theatre - this would be the 1970s. They were excited about it because the Traverse brought new plays in new ways. It is still successful today in the same way. I can't think of a better way to support the name - training delivered in new ways.
I really do like Traverse and highly recommend you have a look.