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Member since: Jan 2021Deals bought: 230
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5 stars
Posted: Sep 1, 2021

Leverage Online Course Constructions to New Levels

I Absolutely Love this concept. Tried a Lot of SAAS LMS software including some WP alternatives but what I needed was fast deployment of Ideas and blueprints into learning modules that would not overwhelm the student. Enter my dream "". The Foundation of it all is Knowledge (Organization), Understanding, Memorizing and Application.

We all love the concept of lifelong learning. The idea of learning something new everyday is very empowering. But the problem is, not enough time in the day. It is not possible to learn everything. It is difficult to know which courses to take to meet our career aspirations and how do we then share our knowledge as an added income stream? . It is hard to keep track of all this. And often we end up wasting time, trying to find the best SAAS tools for us to use without knowing which ones are actually the best in their class.

When we talk about education we talk about teaching and learning. Most teaching and learning is done with video and audio with article backup. The question is, "where is the technology that will allow me to teach and learn as if I am there, as if I am with the student?" builds upon this foundation of mastering skillsets in easy chunks that will be remembered forever.

The biggest challenge educators face is building a course that provides enough knowledge to be useful to the student but doesn't overwhelm them. The answer is to provide information in small digestible chunks using Traverse. The educator must also provide the student with the tools they need to absorb the information. What's even more challenging is to give students the tools they need to take the information they've learned and apply it to real world situations. This is exactly what makes unique. It's not only a Learning Management System (LMS), but also a Virtual Study Hall via a clever Mindmap/Blueprint eco system

Highly recommended & fits in wonderfully to other brain trust ideas I have moving forward. Thank you OP & AS for bringing this deal to this platform. Fully stacked.
