Tuberank Jeet - Optimize & Rank Your YouTube Videos

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Q: Amazing product you have here!

I just reviewed this on my channel and was impressed. I noticed on your roadmap you have video exports. Does that mean that in the future we will be able to upload mp4, run the edits, and then export the video. If so that would be the #1 use for me as I am a full time YouTuber. Let me know and if you have a timeline for this feature that would be great. Thanks!

david8582PLUSNov 16, 2023
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Posted Nov 16, 2023

I am also curious about this.

Posted Nov 16, 2023

Thank you for the feedback and the review!!! That is correct. We hope to have a video export MVP soon. You would be able to import and export video files. Right now you can import a video file and we will strip the audio from the video (but that doesn't help you too much :) ). Our team is very optimistic that we can get video exports done soon. We do not have an exact timeline but should be able...

Posted Jan 24, 2024

Will the video export support 1080p?

Posted Jan 29, 2024

Hey Auto, thanks for asking about how long this will be before we iterate on video exports. We don't have a specific date we can share, but we will gradually iterate on video production over the coming months. Candidly this is not our top priority, but we do plan to keep iterating on it sometime soon.