Q: Hello, just a few questions.

I was wondering if I can use your sdk to do video review capture for my app? Basically, someone would open a landing page, and they would hit a "record" button, and start recording. Then after they finish, they can review or re-record, then hit "upload" or "save."

Essentially this could work like a 1-person conference where the user records their webcam. Then I would need to save the recording to a storage, and have it available through my app.

Would it be possible? How much would 150 minutes cost (over the 10,000 free limit)?

vik_crowdrapportPLUSAug 7, 2021
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey Yisrael,

Yes, this kind of solution is possible. However, customization will require a few development resources at your end & raw SDK will be used majorly.

After recording, you can either use our storage & delivery or fetch the video from our storage to yours.

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