Videoseeder - Auto upload & auto share your video on multiple platforms

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Q: Hello You mentioned about 3 license.

What that mean?
Is that mean we will get 3 user account with single purchases?

kaushalpandeyPLUSApr 2, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hello,
Apologies for this late response.

The Pro version gives you 3 license codes.

1. Personal use license for your computer.
2. Server license for use on a VPS machine.
3. VA license to give your VA, family member, friend or even a client.

Thank you.

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Posted: Apr 3, 2023


Thanks for your query.

That means you will get 3 licenses to access this product in three different system.


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Verified purchaser

Posted: Apr 3, 2023

Cyril -- your reply to this question, (which matches one that I was going to ask) does not really answer the original question.
What is a "system" in your reply? Video delivery platform (like youtube or Vimeo)? Video distribution/hosting platform (like facebook)? Something else?