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2 stars
Posted: Apr 11, 2021

Working but not as expected

It does what it should.

With one thing i could not solve.
Don't know how about the other languages, but German will not work as promised.

I can search and search in German again and again and always get a "Nothing to display" as a result.

As an example:
If i search for an english word like dropshipping and select German i will get the "Nothing to display", But there exists many videos with dropshipping in the title, that offer ad's.

If i search for an english word like dropshipping and select English i will get no German result at all!

If i search for a German word like Schminktipps and select German.
I will not do get any results too!!! ?? !

If i search for Schminktipps with English selected, i do get the german results.
Thats ok, but the option to select German seams senseless then.

I would expect to get German results with english Keywords within their title.
With this software it seams to be impossible to get that.

Searching inside youtube i will get quite a lot videos with advertising for both words with german results.
But with Vidnetics i can't find them at all!

So it's absolutely usable as a nice basic tool.
And in other languages maybe perfect.
But it will not help planing my ad's placement as much as expected.

And in the "Advanced Search Function Tutorial", you claim it works in other languages. But do not show in work and instead skip to the next function...

Founder Team


May 14, 2024


We have tripled checked everything with the developers regarding this and were unable to reproduce it, the system seemed fine when all the devs looked into it.

A bit more detail:

I tested the system by searching with words in the respective language filter and it pulled up correct results.

If you set the filter to a specific language, but put in keywords in English it means it has higher chance to pull up videos from that language....

But, if general kws videos are still the more viewed it will pull up the general video results and not from the selected language.

However if the KWS is in the respective language it will start finding the videos with such keyword and pull up the most popular videos with those tags.

Hope this helps.
