Virtual Backgrounds for Video Conferencing

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Member since: Jan 2021Deals bought: 580
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Apr 29, 2021

Very misleading product

Hi there,
I use a bunch of recordingsoftware and this product gave me the assuption that it is a tool to change the background with will recording. But in fact it are just a bunch of background images .jpg which you can find all around the web. None of my recordingsoftware supports this, so i might use it for my teams meetings but that is not why i bought the product. Maybe it was my fault not going over all the details. It didn't cost a fortune, so i will survive :-)

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

They are 27 3D backgrounds with the right perspective for videoconferencing, plus they're animated too, and more animated ones will be coming out soon (you got a license for future updates). I don't think you can find the same stuff anywhere. You can use them with popular platforms such as zoom, meet and teams. Surely you have received a lot more than what you paid for :)
