MarkupGo Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 34 questions

Q: Don't know HTML or CSS

I don't know HTML or CSS. Why not to use ChatGPT to generate the code to be used

zeroleftPLUSSep 14, 2024
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Sep 14, 2024

A: Hi zeroleft 🙌,

You can definitely use ChatGPT to generate HTML and CSS code snippets as templates for MarkupGo. However, general GPT models are not specifically trained for code generation, so the results may not always be as accurate or reliable as you’d expect. That’s why we didn’t include it as a feature in MarkupGo.

Instead, we’re working on integrations with Canva, Figma, and other...


Q: What are your plans for image generation by form?

OSUMOSep 13, 2024
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Sep 13, 2024


We love this idea! Thanks for sharing it with us. We will discuss it with our team and see if we can add it to our roadmap. Stay tuned for updates!


Q: Creating templates as a no-coder: WYSIWYG Editor for noobs...?

Hi, Im still trying to work out if my this app + my (lack of) skills can come together for my usecase....

I know exactly what I want/need to do, but I am stuck at the initial 'template creation'. Everyday Im getting stuck into learning HTML, CSS and Javascript at a basic level - but do you know of any good drag and drop/WYSIWYG html creator so that i can quickly pop in a gradient, a title a few line of text in a card and hit 'copy code'?

I know this is not in your scope of works, but I am struggling to git the ground running....

Perhaps your app could be more accessible to newbies if you could recommend another app to supplement the 'coding' part.

On the plus side, I understand the value of this app, which is has inspired me to start learning basic website and API language, so thanks for that.

112481922371292239484Sep 12, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

A: Hi 112481922371292239484 🙌

While there are many WYSIWYG and drag-and-drop editors available, they can be too complex for no-code users to create templates. The HTML exported from these editors is often neither simple nor clean, making it difficult to understand or modify.

However, if you have a design, feel free to share it with us, and we can help create a template for you, as long as it’s...


Q: I'm not a coder, can this be done?

I use to send a http request to your api. In my http request, there's a link to an image and also markdown language of content. And I want to use one of my already created templates there - so my content and image will be placed in my pdf template. So the pdf is created. Then through, I get the pdf file.

Can this be done? Thanks.

jonathanjonPLUSSep 11, 2024
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Sep 11, 2024

A: Hi jonathanjon,🙌

Yes, this can be done. The only limitation is that you can’t use markdown rendering directly in your template. You need to convert the markdown to HTML or plain text before sending it to the API.

You can check this link for the API documentation:

To render HTML in your template, please check out this short video:...


Q: Why is the demo so many steps

Demo should be a short video, the steps and forced clicks makes it really annoying

team028PLUSSep 10, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi team028,

Thank you for your feedback!

We created a step-by-step demo to showcase the flexibility and features of MarkupGo in detail. However, based on your input, we’ll consider creating a shorter and more concise video. Some features and integrations require an in-depth demonstration, which a shorter video might not fully cover. Additionally, the demo allows users without an account to...
