Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0

Get the million-dollar emails that AppSumo used to help grow into a nine-figure business

Lifetime deal

Writing an effective email is daunting, difficult, and definitely necessary to growing your business.

And at AppSumo, we’ve sent a lot of emails over the years. Think tool recaps, Star Wars fanfic, and Spotify stats on The Weeknd. (We even send emails “After Hours” haha—sorry, I’m done.)

That’s why we pulled back the curtain on our top emails in the first Million Dollar Email Templates ebook, but now we’ve got even more great emails in a convenient app.

Introducing AppSumo’s Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0.


too long didn't read
Access an app with dozens of successful email templates that Sumo Group and its associates have used over the past 10 years
Get proven emails that have been used to grow six-figure products and a nine-figure business
Learn why different emails work with our favorite email hacks and behind-the-scenes secrets


Allows Existing Accounts


AppSumo’s Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0 is an app collecting dozens of emails used by AppSumo, Sumo Group, and other successful businesses to build relationships and grow brands.

Email template app dashboard

Get the best AppSumo and Sumo Group emails for you to use for your brand or business.

Want proven, no-nonsense templates in a package that makes them a cinch to use?

The Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0 app lets you copy and paste into Gmail or any outreach tool for seamless implementation.

Plus, you can sort through dozens of effective templates in no time with the search function to find exactly what you need.

Email template example

Access dozens of proven templates ready to be customized and sent!

With emails, first impressions are everything.

This app shows you how to use the right email at the right time to nail your shot at that big deal or connection.

Get the inside secrets and details behind the reasoning of each email, like why certain words, phrases, and strategies are used.

You’ll be able to use proven emails from the jump—without wasting any of your precious chances.

Key takeaways about template

Discover key secrets and insights into why these emails are so effective!

To help you secure that big deal, you get view counters on every email template to let you see which email templates other Sumo-lings have been eyeing the most.

Then, you can use those same strategies to craft your own emails that get real results.

It’s perfect for entrepreneurs or marketers looking to take their emails to the next level.

View count on template

View counts show the most popular templates to find what’s working best for everyone.

And if you already have the Million Dollar Templates ebook, 2.0 is still worth your investment.

We’ve added more templates, easier search functionality, and simple copy-and-paste from the app (with a Gmail integration coming soon).

Plus, we’ll be regularly adding new templates and proven emails—this is the only way to see the latest emails from our nine-figure business!

You’ll also have the ability to quickly edit the emails to change around key fields, making it even easier to personalize them for your purposes.

Template in Gmail draft

Turn any email template from the app into a draft with just one click!

Sometimes you need to stand on the shoulders of giants, or at least get a piggyback from a Sumo. (Whee!)

Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0 is a collection of what we’ve learned over 10 years growing our business from zero to millions.

Don’t miss your chance to use real emails that actually drive results, with more emails being added all the time.

Get access to Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0 today!

From the founders

New templates added

Hey, everyone!

David here, with our team at AppSumo Originals — which includes Million-Dollar Email Templates 2.0.

We have a special gift for you today... 🎁

For a limited time, we're giving you FREE access to Million-Dollar Email Templates 2.0! 🎉

Inside, there are the same 67+ templates we've used at AppSumo to get more leads, generate PR, increase revenue, build partnerships — and so much more.

Quite literally, these templates have helped us generate TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars for our business, and millions of leads over the years.

They've been tested, optimized, and now shared for you to copy-and-paste for yourself.

These templates include:

1) How to send amazing cold emails that get you sales and generate interest
2) PR templates to generate buzz
3) The exact sales outreach sequence we used to build our product SendFox from zero to seven-figures.

And lots and lots of others. 😃

Normally, people would pay hundreds — or thousands — of dollars for access to proven email templates. But for a limited time, get it for FREE.

Don't miss your chance. Grab it today and you can start copy-and-pasting these templates and have results waiting for you in your inbox tomorrow morning. Enjoy!

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