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Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 594
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Sep 19, 2022

Will be something great...

But for now, it's a great idea.

I am not an Appsumo veteran. It's only been less than a year and I suffer from "compulsive tester" syndrome. With Minerva something very strange happens to me. I bought a Tier 1, upgraded to Tier 2, applied for a refund, and finally went back to Tier 1 (I'm not ruling out buying Tier 2).

I will try to explain my mental process, which is not easy in this case and even less so for a native Spanish speaker like me.

I was looking for an alternative to Tango, Scribe, Claap or Screenpresso (the latter is my favorite because of its price and its ease of creating gifs). I wanted something that would make it easier for me to create good tutorials for my courses. I think I've tried everything on Appsumo, so far the only thing that had convinced me somewhat, despite its many limitations, was FlowShare Express.

Well, Minerva looked very nice, but I also discovered that the so-called generated videos were never created. The hours and days passed... and then, nothing. Minerva's potential was immense, but the lack of tutorials, the lack of videos created, and the lack of customization (even with Tier 2 "Minerva" was omnipresent) made me request a refund.

After a period of reflection, I came to the conclusion that, despite its flaws, Minerva was totally unique and deserved patience. The work and the idea are commendable. It can be a tool that changes the rules of interactive guides and tutorials.

Things to improve:

- Basic: Being able to use the guides in my language. I have never understood why brands neglect translation into other languages, especially when with very little they would be able to multiply their sales and reach exponentially. Actually, the solution would be as simple as allowing the "Step", "Description" or "Time to complete" fields to be modified in the configuration... or simply offering the option in other languages ​​since there are very few elements to translate. Another possibility would be to be able to leave only the arrows to move forward or backward (what difference does it make to see "Step 1", than "1"?).

- Privacy guides: That "or all or nothing" is strange. Or I share the guide with everyone, or only with a specific user. Well, I'd love to share a link and that's it (maybe it can be done, but there's no tutorial on tutorials...).

- Finally the Video Guide option works! The result is very good, with background music and auto-generated voice. The problem for me: it's only in English. If your language is English, you are in luck! The videos are very good. I would also love to know if with a Tier 2 the videos would stop showing up with "Minerva" at the beginning and end of the video. Branding gets annoying.

Finally: I hope I'm not mistaken, I think Minerva will be something fantastic. I'm going to hold back and stay with Minerva waiting patiently...

To its creators: Courage! And here I am in case I can help you improve. I would love to see Minerva grow and improve to infinity and beyond. :)

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi, Valtcor,

Thank you so much for your feedback. Hold tight! We're working on translations now. It should be available soon.

We're working on a way to safely embed private guides wherever you'd like. This should actually be ready before translations.

As for branding, if you create the video on a domain that has our SDK present, it will go away and be replaced with your brand. If you're having trouble with that, please let me know ( and I'll do what I can to help out!

We're working on a public roadmap where you'll be able to keep up to date with these features. We'll post on AppSumo when it's available!

Thanks for giving us a chance. I hope we can help a bit more in the near future!

