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Member since: Oct 2020Deals bought: 99
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 31, 2024

Very Promising start

We have signed up to Mode to communicate within our small team.
We are an ISO 27001 certified company and take security seriously.
We have been testing the Mode platform and all users are impressed so far.
We have raised some questions with support and the response was lightning fast.
The team prefer this to Slack and we have some plans to extend out to our wider network.
A very good start and I wish the Mode team well with this product.

Founder Team


Jun 5, 2024

Thank you for your review! We're happy to hear that you're enjoying the communication experience on Mode. You might be interested in learning that we just announced our ISO 27001 certification as well. Let us know if there's anything we can do for or your team!
