Q: Hi Sumo-Lings, Josh here with an update annoucment.

We have been hard at work updating the foundation of Modlettes. Yes we are still working on it. We have transfered Modlettes to newer and better environments that will allow us to push updates much more quickly.

What this means for our amazing users is that the platform is going to keep working well.

While we were in this phase, unhelpfully Vimeo API's also had a massive update that temporailiy broke our video streaming uploading integration. We made the hard choice to keep pushing with the change over and fix the API integration once done. Sadly it took us a few weeks to resolve, the good new is that it is working better than ever.

So what's next for us:

I am kind of angry that our Mobile Support was broken, what was once really good now is not, so that is next to fix.

We are also looking to completely redevelop the code base to allow us to:

1. Deliver white labling
2. Support CNAME integration
3. Produce dynamic quizes
4. Support a wider range of video sources where possible
5. Make a market place
6. Allow for copying a modlette internally to help speed up development times of training material.
7. Tidy up the UX of the site as quiz creation could be better
8. Develop a much needed API as there are many systems that would benefit with Modlettes integrating with it.

That's all for now.

Looking forward to seeing Modlettes grow.

Much love

Josh_ModlettesSep 4, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: PS. Sorry for the typos!

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