Q: Hi Sumolings, In our recent platform shift we have a few unintended bugs that have occured.

Although videos do upload, we have lost our feedback mechanisms when a video is uploading. So for larger videos, once you have browsed or dropped in your video and you click upload, you need to guess how long you need to wait before you click on done. We have also found an issue when previewing a step, it takes you to a random point in your Modlette in development and you have to click on the step you actually want to preview. I understand none of this is of any help. We are fixing this. I will post back as soon as it is fixed.


Josh_ModlettesOct 12, 2023
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Posted: Nov 8, 2023

Hey Josh, we're having trouble getting hold of anyone. There's an error when we try to log in so we have no access to the system and we've been billed for a free account? Please contact asap

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